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First Low Resolution 3D Point Cloud from Proto-4F

The cameras are finally calibrated, and the communications and power systems are installed and working. Now I can finally begin producing scans to test and fine tune the software. Today I scanned part of the lab, and the animated GIF illustrates the 3D nature of the scan. When producing a 3D model, multiple perspectives must…


SketchUp Expert Adrian Bonifant

Adrian and I have started investigating how to merge the 3D-360 output into Google SketchUp, and ultimately into Google Earth. This April we expect to expand his latest 3D model of porch into 3D models of complete house. Once the house is complete will photorealistic interior. The interior will produced by scanning real rooms within…


Color from a Black & White Camera

This is the first color image produced by the new camera & lens combination. The bilinear rectification routine that we completed last week was automatically applied to correct chromatic aberration.  In the future bicubic interpolation will make the image even sharper.  The original 16-bit image had levels and curves adjusted in Photoshop, and the result was converted to…


Interpolation: Bilinear vs Bicubic

Stereo reconstruction works by identifying similar features within two images, and we will use any technique that enhances small features.  As a first step in our stereo reconstruction pipeline we currently use bilinear interpolation to rectify/dewarp images.  While bilinear interpolation is easy to code and does a good job, there are many other types of interpolation worth considering. The…

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Converting 16 bit Images to 8-bit Images

We spent the last year designing and building a camera and software that can capture images with pixels that are 16-bits deep.  It isn’t easy to view these images since most tools expect 8-bit images, so the following routine is used to squeeze the 65,536 values in the 16-bit image down to the 256 values…