Scanning Results Keep Getting Better
We have steadily improved our scanning results over the last 6 weeks by modifying hardware, writing new software, and tuning over a dozen variables. The video below demonstrates the effect of our enhanced noise reduction:
Low noise in 3D models is important for two reasons:
- Low noise 3D looks better.
- Low noise 3D models are easier to compress & display. In many cases smoothing should allow us to reduce a scan to less than 1% of the original size.
Noise reduction & smoothing has been around for decades, but there is a delicate balance between appropriate smoothing, and over-smoothing which can make objects look like jelly beans. Our past experience with generic smoothing routines has been disappointing because they often round edges & eliminate important details.
Why Our Smoothing Is Better Than Other Options
Instead of applying generic smoothing filters to our data after the 3D data has been created, we apply smoothing during the creation of 3D data. We can achieve an optimal level of smoothness because our smoothing software has intimate knowledge of the scanner hardware and configuration. Stereo scanners like ours can be accurate to a fraction of a millimeter up close, but precision falls off as the distance from the scanner increases. Our smoothing routines use this fact to smooth our 3D data with more finesse.